Career Development:
It refers to a set of programmes designed to match an individual's needs, abilities with the current and future opportunities in an organization.
The main objective of career development is to ensure that people with appropriate qualifications and experiences are available when needed.
Career Development-Need:
When students complete their college education; they advance further into their maturity to put themselves in a good position. They have to ready to prepare a good resume, plan and attend job interviews, prove themselves that they are worthy to be hired.
The focus of career development is as follows:
1. Obtaining relevant information about individual employees' interests and preferences.
2. Providing career path information to employees to enable them to make their career plans.
3. Developing a suitable T&D program both within the organization and outside to help employees improve their career.
4. Matching individuals' career interests and aptitudes to job requirements.
5. Providing financial inducements and facilities to employees for the acquisition of new skills and capabilities.
Importance of career development:
- Both external and internal factors influence the need for career development.
Career development-5 Definite stages:
1. Stage of Growth until13 years.
2. Stage of Exploration.
3. Stage of Establishment.
4.Stage of Maintenance.
5. Stage of Decline.
- Career Development is very much important because it increases employee motivation and productivity. Attention to Career development helps you to attract top staff and retain valued employees.
- The purposes and objectives of the career development program can be listed as follows: To attract and retain effective persons in an organization. To utilize human resources optimally and to improve morale and motivation level of employees.
- A career development plan is a written list of the short and long-term goals that employees have about their current and future jobs, and a planned sequence of formal and informal experiences to assist the employees in achieving their goals. These goals should be linked to each person's strengths and potential.
Resume Writing Services:
Resume Writing Services provide professionally me resumes by their team of experts.
They also offer various services such as Text Resume, Infographic CV, LinkedIn Profile, Cover Letter, Online CV, LinkedIn Management etc.
Resume Writing Services are a pool of handpicked professional writers specialized in diverse fields of resume writing.
The team of resume writers and client-service staff is always at your disposal to help you achieve the same. Our writer network comprises of career coaches and professionals with expertise in over fifty industries across over hundred functional areas. We have a dedicated team continuously working towards crafting a bright future for you.
WHAT Resume Writing Services OFFER:
Resume Writing Services provide powerfully written and well-presented content for offering a significant advantage over other job applicants. They also offer personalized services with a perfect writer to express your career story in the best possible manner.
Does every job seeker need professional resume-writing services?
Professional writers keep in regular touch with the recruitment firms to access the latest advancements in resume writing. They also choose the right keywords to make your resume to more likely pass through the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Needless to say that anyone can write their own resume using all the information freely available online.
Job Portal Optimization:
It doesn't matter how well your job ad works to inspire quality candidates if they never see it in the first place. Although matching technology helps with this problem by serving up job descriptions to qualified applicants, the very first step many job seekers take in their journey will likely be a basic internet search.
Optimizing for Intelligent Reader:
It is likely that before a job seeker reads your ad, a robot will. Artificial Intelligence is being deployed in many exciting ways today, especially in the recruiting and talent acquisition (AT) spaces.
As recruiting technology evolves, so too must the recruiters and hiring managers who use it. But thankfully that doesn't mean learning a new programming language or even mastering a new software suite.
But technology still has a ways to go before we can define the relationship between man and machine. Until then, it's clear that existing technology has called for more employees with management skills to keep these systems running at an optimal level.
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