Plasma Donation Drive
What Is Plasma?
It is the question that might appear when you hear about plasma donation drive. Plasma is nothing but a combination of minerals and nutrients that contains in our blood.
Why Plasma is used?
Plasma is used for the people who are suffering from COVID19. It is used as a way that plasma can able to fight to the virus which is present in our body to infect us. Plasma is able to cure the covid19 victim who is fighting with the dangerous coronavirus and it helps them to recover.
Every person's plasma is not able to cure the victim of covid19. The plasma which is taken from the person who is recovered from the dangerous virus can help the other person who is fighting to recover from the covid19.
The plasma from the person who has cured of the virus only can help the victims to recover.
How plasma is used?
First donors need to be ready to donate their plasma to the victims which helps them to cure. Then doctors need to take their blood and they will separate the plasma from the blood. After separating the plasma then the doctors are again injecting the blood to the donors as only the plasma required to cure the covid patient.
To fight against coronavirus, the blood group of the donor and the patient must be the same. And the doctors will test the blood of the donor before separating the plasma. If all tests are passed then we can say that the plasma is ready to inject into the victim's body to fight against the virus.
Donating plasma does not easier and less painful
Many cured patients don't know about the plasma which helps to save the covid patients. And some of the people who already know about plasma but they are not able to donate their plasma because they are having the fear that if they donate their plasma then they will become weak.
But the actual truth is donating plasma cannot make them weak. Because doctors only take plasma content from the blood and they are injecting the blood back to the donors.
What happens if we donate plasma?
Donating plasma can cause common but minor side effects like Dehydration and fatigue may occur but the chances are very low. Research shows that there is no risk of donating plasma and getting back the wrong blood which means the blood after separating plasma is also safe according to National Institute of Health(NIH).
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